Aug 18, 2010

Best Cheap Webhosting

Before planning to buy a new domain, I was really thinking a hundred times if I can maintain three blogs. I already have one blogspot and one domain which I purchased from GoDaddy last year. A friend suggested where I can buy a cheaper domain and also offer a webhosting. Frankly speaking I only intent to buy a new domain to monetize my blog where I can earn extra money to buy a new laptop and a DSLR camera and a lot more! Since I was busy with my eight hour work job, I was contented with my extra earnings but I can still accommodate more opportunities that I can accomplish during lunch break and at night before going to sleep. I opt to buy only on the best webhosting hub to complement my blog that is aiming for a higher page rank.

Most of the times I wish to have more opportunities like my mentor but I can only do that by buying more domains, establishing more blogs and the patience of updating it at least twice or thrice a week. I hope hubby will learn how to maintain a blog so he can help me in updating it and help me promote my sites by blog hopping. I missed visiting blogs on my blog roll and leave my precious comments on their posts but I promised that I will visit them again once I have my own laptop.


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